Michigan Construction Site Injuries

Construction sites are inherently dangerous places and are the source of many workplace injuries. However, the fact that construction necessarily includes many potential dangers, this does not absolve employers, contractors and landowners of their responsibility to ensure a safe workplace for workers. It simply means they must take precautions against potential hazards and make particular effort to comply with all safety regulations that apply in order to prevent Michigan construction site injuries.

Although most companies in the construction industry make an effort to keep workers safe, it is not uncommon for supervisors and company inspectors to get lax or lazy from time to time (although this shouldn’t happen). Sometimes the person in charge of safety doesn’t recognize a hazard or is inadequately trained. Sometimes people get overworked or rushed and safety procedures are the first inconveniences to get left by the wayside. When these things happen -- even though they shouldn’t happen -- accidents and injuries usually occur. In Michigan, construction site injuries are often serious and sometimes deadly.

Potential sources of Michigan construction site injuries include:

  • Falling objects

  • Clutter or obstructed work areas

  • Faulty tools or equipment

  • Careless operation of equipment

  • Exposure to toxic chemicals

  • Electrocution

  • Material failure

  • Construction design failure

  • Lack of appropriate safety gear

  • Inadequate safety precautions

  • Fatigue or Exhaustion from overwork

  • Inattention to health concerns such as heat exhaustion

  • Repetitive motion, such as lifting or pushing

Who is Responsible for Michigan Construction Site Injuries?

When a worker is injured on a construction site, the worker’s medical treatment and a portion of any income lost due to the injury are covered by the employer’s Worker’s Compensation insurance. However, when Michigan construction site injuries are serious and result in long-term or permanent disability or death, the benefits provided by Worker’s Compensation insurance aren’t enough to compensate for all the pain and suffering, frustration, loss of earning capacity, and other far-reaching damages that occur with such injuries. These kinds of damages can only be recovered through a personal injury lawsuit against the parties responsible for the injuries.

Unfortunately, even though the injured worker’s employer may be primarily at fault for the unsafe conditions that resulted in injury, state law prohibits a worker from suing an employer for injuries in most cases. This is the tradeoff for requiring employers to carry Worker’s Compensation insurance, which pays for medical costs and lost wages regardless of who’s at fault.

Most construction injury lawsuits are brought against other parties who may share liability or hold principal liability for the site. General contractors and owners of the construction site are usually sought out first as these parties are ultimately responsible for ensuring everyone’s safety at the construction site. Additionally, sub- or prime contractors working on the site may also share some liability for the incident. Sometimes suppliers and manufacturers of equipment, tools or materials also share liability. If the accident occurred due to a flawed design of the structure under construction, the architects who designed the structure could be liable as well.

Construction Injury Lawyers Take the Complexity and Hassle Out of Lawsuits Involving Michigan Construction Site Injuries

Determining who may be liable for workplace injuries, what the injuries are worth and how to build an effective case is complex and requires extensive investigation. It also requires familiarity with state personal injury laws and workers’ rights. Only an experienced construction site injury lawyer should represent workers who’ve been injured on a construction site in order to ensure they don’t get left in the lurch.

In Michigan, construction site injuries require experienced lawyers like the attorneys at Sachs Waldman, P.C. Our lawyers fight for the compensation and recovery of damages that injured construction workers need. Our highly skilled attorneys can also help workers fight claim denials by Worker’s Compensation insurance companies to ensure they get the medical care they need. Call our Detroit personal injury attorneys’ office at 1-800-638-6722 to schedule a free consultation.

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